Based on the track record of many of executives and Government officials it would appear that they all graduated from the "Marie Antoinette School of Business".
They have managed failing or failed companies with the attitude that there is just one stakeholder, themselves. They appear to have been taught that they must first negotiate contracts that pay them handsomely even when they fail.
Their handpicked boards of directors have not only supported this, but in many cases get handsome fees, benefits and even pensions. All have the Marie Antoinette attitude of " let them eat cake".
This must stop. CEO and Boards must recognize that they must meet the balanced best interests of all the key stakeholders, starting with those who dedicate their lives for the organization, then the shareholders and of course the customers.
Further they must recognize that they have a responsibility to their communities, the States and the UNITED STATES in total. This means the build plants and invest in the United States and not just in China, India...
It is time that the Business Schools teach what leadership really is and not just how to do creative book keeping, negotiate golden parachutes to optimize yourself. We need the rebirth of real leaders and not just optimistic negotiators.

Bill Rothschild, author of THE SECRET TO GE's SUCCESS... the book that shows how GE historically have had dedicated, home grown, professional leaders that put the company and key stakeholders above their own personal gain.
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